When the Soul beckons, you must heed. This `knowing’ the awakened understand deeply and surrender to. A gift that supports inner growth and direction, leading us step by step to our Highest Self.
The way of inner beauty is the way of the Self too. Of confidence and self faith, of recognising your potential, of coming into your own understanding and wisdom. A truth the lovely Alice Teoh, Founder of Emma Lizs Salon understands so deeply, having perfected beauty care to an art form over 27 years of her soul thriving life. In fact, August 11th marks Emma Lizs 27th anniversary.
Taking the Grab ride from KLCC to Subang Jaya on a cool rainy morning, I needed just the comforting love that comes from a soulful woman. Stepping into the plush interiors of Emma Lizs Salon (No 133, Jalan SS 17/A, Subang Jaya) is like a fairy cottage in the woods. A vintage feel, glitter picture frames and cushions, lush queen chairs, an old Chinese antique clock ticking away silently, a cutest bubbling waterfall with a stone bridge, mellow warm lights, incense and fragrance, and three well appointed comfort luxury rooms for personal care. Enough to evoke my own femininity to step forth and be cared for.

Made immediately comfortable by the pretty Carmen with glowing skin and kind eyes, and a cuppa Vitamin C fortified with Zinc in the cutest tea-cup (my obsession with crockery is a joke in the family) to boost my prep, she ushered me into what I call, The womb. All rooms (for singles and a couple) are designed to be super cosy, minimum light and the softest of covers and pillows to sink into. I warned Carmen, “The minute you touch my face, I’ll be out of this realm into deep sleep,” as she got me comfortable and ready for one of the most nourishing beauty care sessions I’ve had in my life. For sure, self care in one of my most basic inner health care routine. What Carmen does is therapeutic, using well practised skills under the tutelage of Alice Teoh, to rest, rejuvenate, refresh, and health up skin to respond to care, love and regeneration.

The famous and most sought after Emma Lizs Facelift is a miracle technique to address muscle dystrophy supported by the revolutionary perfector machine from the UK. An absolutely non-invasive facial muscle workout that educates, wakes up, tones up and reminds the facial muscle to behave youthful and younger, hydrating the skin resulting in cell regeneration, reminding the skin to energise itself back to vibrancy through the process of oxygenation, strengthening skin to resist sun damage, and giving it enough nutrients to deep cleanse, nourish and bloom. All this in 2.5 hours of bliss.
So, while you sleep it out, here’s how the Emma Lizs Facelift machine from the UK works:
- Uses the revolutionary tiny electric currents/nano currents which cannot be felt to pass through the muscle and tissue cells.
- The nano currents awaken and stimulate cells to re-educate it to regenerate.
- As a result, collagen, elastin and muscles fibres are quickly and easily replenished.
- Cells that have lost their elasticity are revitalized and become firm again, making the skin more lively and youthful.
The treatment is everything heaven must feel like when you enter in. “A lipstick is all you need when you have good skin,” Alice reminded me, as we sat over another cup of Vitamin C booster tea post the session, fascinated with the glow on my face like a light bulb had lit inside.
Operating two branches one out of Subang Jaya, the other at Mount Kiara (to be launched on August 8th), Alice herself is the poster woman of her work, radiant skin and petite in stature, supporting clients towards discovering their beauty and self love, sharing the deep knowledge and gifts of her work accrued over 27 years of nurturing. “Invasive cosmetic surgery has destroyed the very concept of beauty, tricking women into quick surgical fixes that are contradictory to inner natural healing. It’s setting you and your own body to work against you instead of with you. Playing on insecurities, instead of strength, many women are misled to create more damage to themselves, in the pursuit of beauty. Artificial elements like Botox is never the solution. Instead, it is slow poison. So much money wasted and being disappointed in the long run,” Alice elaborated. Her clients include many of Malaysia’s popular ladies of society and government, building a loyal clientele, “that now includes their daughters as well,” she shared. “We have to work with our own body. Support it with good clean habits, give it the nourishment it requires to support us in the long run. The right exercise, what we eat, how and when we eat, the quality of our thoughts and investing in the right tools to support our beauty, is the key to inner health. There is no compromise there,” she asserted.
Passionate about her contribution to the beauty industry in Malaysia, Alice is widely recognised as a professional skin expert with more than 26 years of experience in the beauty industry. A UK certified beauty therapist and trainer, she has helped many people solve their skin problems, even when in lost hope scenarios. Her credentials include honours in ITEC/CIBTAC.UK. HONS and diplomas in various fields such as Clinical Aromatherapy and Face Lymph Drainage.
Backed with her many years of experience, Alice set out developing a proven anti-aging system known as the POWER LIFT – an non-invasive and safe without surgery or injections treatment to restore the skin’s youthfulness and muscle tone by increasing its energy and cell metabolism. Successfully developing an in-house range of products to solve a variety of skin problems like dull skin, pigmentation, age spots and liver spots, Alice’s one give back to her clients is, “Regain your skin’s youth and health without surgery. It is the highest epitome of my career,” she confided.

Adding another illustrious crown to her elegant head, is her own range of super foods – The 21 Ketogenic Meal – aimed towards anti-ageing, inner beauty, body shaping, which will be being launched on August 8th (by invitation only) at her luxuriously beautiful salon at Mount Kiara. Gluten free, and whole grains functional food, the power inner health packs customised for 21 days is a boost to the body to support all the virtues of inner beauty. “You have to support your body to support your beauty. There is no other way around it to lasting beauty and wellness,” Alice mentioned as she showed me her treasure boxes packed with the nutrients of Nature. She made me try some, and instantly I felt a change in mood and energy as I got back home after a wonderfully knowledgeable and heartening evening spent confiding our journeys to womanhood. Needless to say, I’m glowing even more so, post my encounter with Alice in her wonderland 😊 Alice does skin consultation by appointment at Call / Whatsapp 017-373 3303
Those who know Alice closely, also know her immense contribution to community work that she faithfully and resolutely carries out. A tete e tete had to be had. Excerpts of our chat:
Ethel: What is it about beauty and health that excites you. How can it change women and the world?
Alice: What excites me most is to see the rise of confidence in my client. To be able to be happy and joyful, and looking great and feeling confidence with what God has blessed them with. That they grow old gracefully and not altering what the Creator have given them, but to take care of it with love and gratitude. That the skin is healthy, the muscles are firm and lifted and they still look the best version of themselves. That they do not adulterate their skin with chemicals and compromising on their well-being by accepting foreign items and toxin into their skin system.
E: Tell us about your venture into super health foods. How did it come about? What do you hope to achieve with it?
A: Emma Lizs has always believed in inner health and beauty, but we are careful what we propose to our clients. We are not fly by night and change our brand and commitments under different umbrellas. We have seen our clients from their first job to now being a mom with young adult children and daughters, who tag along with their mothers for facials now have their own program treatments with us. What we say today, we have to be responsible for it because we are still facing our clients in the many years to come. Emma Lizs facelift therapies increase the skin’s cell metabolism to create new cells, collagen, elastin and muscle fibres. But if our client lacks say in protein, it is like a machine that is all power up to create, but has no raw materials. Over the years, we have advised clients to intake protein, but some protein out there has not much benefits.
During a speaking engagement on anti-aging, I met Dr Keshu, a Medical Counsellor at Digestive Health Unit, Utara Dietetics Clinic where I was speaking on the same platform with him. He is a specialist in the area of eating disorder therapy and therapeutic nutrition (dietetics) as an adjunct treatment plan for metabolic disorders, targeting inflammation, weight gain and blood glucose control. We joined forces to create this super food.
E: Change begins with Self. How does it support the NGO work you do as your give back to your community.
A: It is the core philosophy of Emma Lizs to reach out and make a difference. We believe in ‘Blessed to be a blessing.’ Some of our notable projects are WOMEN OF POWER & PASSION. In 2012, I launched the Emma Lizs Woman of Power and Passion (WoPP) community. I hold it very close to my heart. WoPP is made up of Emma Lizs customers from all walks of life who are empowered by their zeal to succeed, and are of great influence in the environment and communities they live in. The ideology is to be able to rally together to make a difference in the many lives especially the poor, marginalized, abandoned and abused. WoPP projects involve actively extending assistance to two homes which are the Rumah Perlindungan Sosial NCWO-YWCA Klang which houses women, teenage girls and young children (boys and girls), and provides help depending on their needs; and the City Revival Boys’ and Girls’ Home, Subang Jaya which extends help to children who are abused, abandoned, or, come from very poor backgrounds.
In March 2014, WoPP raised a total of RM 51,600 for the Vineyard Foundation through KAM & be MAD Charity Premier featuring Malaysian comedian Joanne Kam PohPoh, Daphne Iking, Shamaine Othman and Sharul Channa. The decision to extend support to the Vineyard Foundation was made based on the foundation’s main objective which was to prevent tribal girls from being forced into early marriage and prostitution.

In response to the urgent need for addressing the challenges in developing and implementing strategies to prevent child sexual abuse, I am also a part of the pioneering team involved in the formation of Projek Layang-Layang. We consist of a group of Malaysians from various backgrounds dedicated to empowering adults with the knowledge and skills to create safer spaces for children in order to protect them from child sexual abuse.
GIRLS EMPOWERED conceptualised in June 2015 is another urgent need to make real, impactful changes in the lives of many underprivileged girls. This is done through impartation of knowledge, skills and setting in of the right mindset. My goal is to journey and mentor them to become leaders in the field of their interest. Currently, I have 4 girls staying with me. Two from the Dusun Kadazan tribe from the interior of Sabah, and two are from the Semai tribe from the interior of Perak.
The objectives of Girls Empowered are: To train and equip them with skills and journey them in higher education. To empower them with the right mindset and attitude. Raise their level of confidence to face the world and alter their destiny. Provide job placements in leading industries after their training. I believe every girl can develop into a healthy, successful woman who can reach her full potential and change her destiny, if she has a right attitude coupled with the right mindset and a good training program.
Other projects include PERTUBUHAN KOMUNITI ELITE formed in 2016 to build and restore bridges for the village locals in Giring Ranau, Sabah. I was moved by the plight of the children who brave poor infrastructure in their village, in order to travel to school every day. The team was able to raise funds to restore two old bridges that were in bad condition, and construct a new bridge in addition. We also managed to provide training and imparting quilting skills to one of the local village girls, in order for her to train the other village women in return. Another project was empowering the villagers through a poultry farm and solar power project. We are focused skill transfer, building of infrastructure, goat and chicken farming, higher education with the objective of helping the Orang Asli Community and Orang Asal community. ELITE has also set up a Vocational school which focuses on woodwork training and will create a great impact in the future of the Orang Asli community and beyond.
FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/EmmaLizsSalon/
By Appointment Only: Call / Whatsapp 017-373 3303
For review/interviews/blogs/staycations/content services, email: etheldacosta@gmail.com