It was no ordinary day. The first traces of December’s winter had just made its presence felt, blowing gently across
Ethel Da Costa
India's Award Winning International Fashion, Lifestyle, Travel Journalist-Influencer, Author, ChangeMaker, Speaker, Media Entrepreneur, Founder of Think Geek Media
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6 years ago
Hip Plus, and Crushing it!
“At the age of 29, a long harboured desire got wings and I started my journey as a plus size
It’s the season for the good times. December ushers happy feelings of a year seeing its end, four weeks of
IMG Reliance is proud to announce the launch of India’s largest sustainable fashion competition for young fashion/accessory designers and entrepreneurs
First of its kind in India, where men get to have a shot at the spotlight, muscle tone, abs, chiseled
I’ve always liked and supported talent with a sure-shot future. With years of experience, you sometimes know by instinct which