Being a busy Lifestyle Journalist and Influencer may look all fancy schmancy. Wake out of bed late, party all night, go to bed late?!! Na-uh. Success requires discipline. It takes hours of planning, brain teasing for ideas, check-listing your day-to-day `to-do-list-of-appointments’ calendar, sudden wide awake jumpstarts at 3.00am when the `wake up’ line or idea starts writing itself in your head – and you must respond immediately to it, or, all is lost to the cruel hands of sleep – figuring out daily wardrobe management, putting up with good and bad hair and skin days, where to eat what (and with whom), morning and night skincare routines, and being in a perpetual body-bliss state of happy mind. It is hard work!! Grit behind the glamour only a few see. And oh, the hair pulling. So, hope I’ve burst your `fancy’ bubble 😊 Even pretty is sheer hard work, darlings.
This led me to listing down post birthday body goals. How do you keep a Ferrari well-oiled, glistening, cruising, all nuts and bolts of the engine in top gear, pistons pumping premium gas, top notch oil running in her veins, and still look like vintage chic? By taking care of what you are blessed with. Of course, amen to good genes. Beauty begins from within. You can never take it for granted.
Which led me straight to Healife (Menara Olympia, 2nd floor, Kuala Lumpur) on a cool Sunday morning for a body tune-up. Healife assured that a personalised blend of holistic and modern medicine for health, wellbeing and beauty, awaited me. Greeted gracefully by Zetty at the reception, soft tunes of a radio station playing one of my favourite songs, she led me to meet Miss Komathi, the in-house Physio for a complete body check-up — blood pressure, pulse rate, blood sugar, and then a detailed InBody Composition Test that breaks down weight, muscle, fat, bone, nutrition and metabolism parameters. Gently taking me through the details and percentages of each test to arrive at the recommended wellness program, and how to maintain a favourable day-to-day health and diet routine –I was then handed over into the waiting hands of Miss Wany to begin the necessary treatment of the day. A Thermal Lymphatic Circulation Treatment. We all know toxic people are bad for health. So also toxins.

Let me stress how important it is to drain out the lymphatic glands and toxin build up out of the body. What I discovered is that Healife, started in September 2019 by Dr Reham, is perhaps one of the few centres in Kuala Lumpur which integrates four schools of medicine to support a healthier modern life. Chinese, Indian, Arabic and Modern streams of traditional treatments and therapy, aided by state-of-the-art technology and trained medical practitioners, facilitate quick recovery and a general wellbeing of good health. My two hour treatment induced a deep sleep – which I mentioned in an earlier beauty story as my weak spot – as Miss Wany expertly merged machine, massages and soothing counselling to yield muscle and nerves to her beckoning. An active Sports Medicine division for Athletes, along with Advanced Technology Treatments for Body Shaping, Cellulite Reduction, medicine treatments like Acupuncture, Dry Cupping are several other treatment options available. Each personalised after a detailed look through medical and physical history. It seemed like a very busy Sunday as people walked in and out, focused on achieving their own optimal health goals. As I revived from my session feeling lighter, happier, relaxed and ready to take on Monday with renewed vigour, I made silent promises to Self that health would be priority to balance a spiritual and emotional well being of Soul.
Do check for discounted packages after you have decided on the nature of your wellness program. You can refer my name and get a 10% off too 😊 Just saying!! Here’s to yours and mine happy, great health.
Check the website for an overlook on treatment packages available currently :
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Whatsapp: +60184001025
If there is one quality of mind that totally defines me, and has my entire media career, is CURIOSITY. The never-give-up and never-say-die follows close on its heels. But, body slimming and shaping? Why not? Self care is about self love. And she who self cares, loves herself very much.
With a steady rise in holistic beauty, aesthetics and cosmetology centres in Malaysia hitting the body beautiful population, Curvena fits the health-beauty-weight loss-super technology sweet spot perfectly, as I noticed a steady stream of locals checked into busy schedules. My appointment confirmation took three days . So, an advance appointment is absolutely mandatory for a no rush experience.
Located at Publika (Lot No. 33A & 34, Level G3,Solaris Dutamas, No. 1, Jalan Dutamas 1,50480 Kuala Lumpur) and Mid Valley City (Unit 51-G, The Boulevard, Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200, Kuala Lumpur), I arrived for my app0intment at Publika and was greeted enthusiastically. With all necessary SOPs conducted, including face and body sanitisation, I was made comfortable, and ushered into a locker area to safely keep away my girl stuff. Do note, a detailed pre-consultation and examination is standard procedure to arrive at correct analysis, so don’t skip this process for any quick fixes. These are reality checks we all need in the hustle of life, to bring attention back to health and what’s going on inside our systems. I was recommended an Instant Recurve Body Program (perhaps because of the extra birthday binge), and prepped for a three hour lavish pamper feast. Yes, I know, the perks of what I do!! Remember the stress levels too 😊
For old school traditional methods of massages and scrubs that we know of, Curvena beats it hands down with sophisticated machines that look straight out of a sci-hi movie. Trust me, I watch a lot of those. Ginseng Slimming Oil massages, followed by a hot steam bath, lymphatic drainage detox, laser cellulite burning session, followed by a body wrap in sheathes of plastic roll (now I know how a mummy feels!), and then a time capsule machine that could open a portal and send Thanos across to Earth. Only problem, I’m not too keen to meet him. Feeling my heart rate rising – sometimes curiosity does pump up too much adrenalin –I told myself not to panic as the machine hovered over me, and scenes of the Terminator flooded my imagination. The Photon Ray Capsule can feel a little unnerving, till you settle into the flow of the moment and let the machine do its damn job. Do note, 1 session is equal to a 4 hour jog!! Total calories burned – 800. Totally worth it. Post body analysis as I sat down with the therapist for a tea and chat, I felt smooth as a baby, lighter on my feet, agile as Black Widow and empowered to take on the world. Note to Self – Machines are friends. Ahem!
Now to take full accountability and practise what I preach on body positivity. Love Yourself. Your body is your temple. If you pray regularly, nirvana is an attained promise. Here’s to you and I being beautiful, inside, out.
Click on the website for programs that fit your body goals :
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Tel : 03-6413 0134
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